Salah in Islam is a unique institution. It brings man closer to Allah by harmonising his mental attitude with physical posture. In Salah, a Muslim submits himself completely to his creator.
When you are sure that you have fulfilled all the necessary conditions for Salah, you are ready to offer Salat. A detailed account of how to say Salah is given below.

Fig. 1
Say to yourself that you intend to offer his Salah
(Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib or Isha) Fardh or Sunnah.
N.B the place of intention is the heart
Then raise your hands to your ears (as in fig. 1)
Saying: Allahu Akbar.(Allah is the greatest).

Figure (2)
Now Placing you right hand on the left, just below, above or on the navel
recite the following:-
Subhanaka Allahum-Ma Wa Bi Hamdika
O Allah, Glorified, praise wothty.
Watabaraka Kamuka Wata'ala Jaddoka
and blessed is Thy name and exalted Thy Majesty
Wa La Ilaha Ghayroka
and there is no deity worthy of worship except Thee.
A'U Zu Bil La Hi Minashaitanir Rajim
I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected satan
Bismi Lah'ir Rahman Ir Rahim

In the Name of Allah, The Beneficient, The Merciful.
After this recite the opening Surah, Al-Fatiha:
Nb:- For Corresponding Arabic Text Refer to Holy Quran
For Recitation Surah Fatiha
Alhamdo Lil Lahi Rab Bil A'lamin
Praise be for Allah, Lord of the Worlds
Ar Rahman Ir Rahim
the Beneficent, the Merciful
Maliki Yaumiddin
Master of the Day of Judgement.
Iyya Ka Na Bu Do Wa Iyya Ka Nas Taeen
Thee alone we worship and to Thee alone we turn for help.
IhDi Nas SiRaTal Mus Ta Qeema
Guide us in the straight path.
Sira Tal La Zina An Amta Alaihim
the path of those whom you favoured
Ghairil Magh Du Bi Alaihim
and who did not deserve Thy anger
Wa Lad Dall Lin (Amin)
or went astray.
Now recite the following or any other passage from the Holy Qura'n:
Surah Ikhlaas

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Qul Ho Wal Laho Ahad
Say: Allah is one and the only God.
Allah Hus Sa Mad
Allah, upon whom all depend.
Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yu Lad
He Begets not, nor is he Begotten,
Wa Lam Yak'ul La Hu Kufu Wan Ahad
and there is nothing which can be compared to him.


Now Bow down saying:
Allahu Akbar
Allah is the greatest.
Place your hands on your knees and in this inclinde positon (Ruku as shown in fig. 3)
recite these words thrice:
Subha Narab Bi Yal Azim
Glory to my Lord the Great.
Then come to the standing position (fig 4.) Saying:
Sami Allahu Li Man Hami Dah
Allah has heard all who praise Him.
Rab Ba Na Lakal Hamd
Our Lord: Prais be to Thee.



Now Saying "Allahu Akbar"
Prostrate on the ground with your forehead, the knees, the nose & palms of both hands
touching the ground
. In this position (Sajdah - as in fig. 5 repeat these words three times at least
Subhana Rab Bi Yal A'Ala
Glory to my Lord, the most high.
Subhana Rab Bi Yal A'Ala
Glory to my Lord, the most high.
Subhana Rab Bi Yal A'Ala
Glory to my Lord, the most high.
Sit upright with knees still on the ground
after a moments rest perform the second
Sajdah saying:
Allahu Akbar
Allah is the greatest.
In the second sajdah as before recite the following word thrice:
Subhana Rab Bi Yal A'Ala
Glory to my Lord, the most high.
This completes on rakah of Salah.
The second rakah is said in the same way except that after the second Sajdaj you sit back, with the left foot bent towards right, which should be placed vertical to the mat. The palms should be lifted from the mat & placed on the knees.
In this position (Q'adah-as showm in fig. 6 & 7) silently say these words(Tashahhud):
At Ta Ya To Lil Lahi Wa Sala Wato Wa Tay Yi Bato
All prayers & Worship through words, action & sanctity are for Allah only.
As Sa La Mo Alaika Ay Yo Han Na Biy Yo
Peace be on you, O Prophet.
Wa Rah Ma Tul La Hi Wa Bara Ka To Hu
and mercy of Allah and His blessings.
As Salmu Alaina Wa Ala Iba Dil Lahis Saliheen
Peace be on us & on those who are righteous servants of Allah.
Ash Had Du Al La Ilaha Il La Laho
I bear witness tp the fact that there is no diety but Allah.
Wa Ash Ha Du An Na Muhammadan Ab Du Hu
and I bear witness that Muhammad is his slave & messenger.
In a three rakah(i.e. Maghrib) or Four rakah(like Zuhr, Asr & Isha) Salah you stand up for the remaining rakah after Tashahhud. On the other hand if it is a two rakah(Fajr) Salah, keep sitting and after this recite Darood (blessing for the Prophet) in these words.
Allah Hum Sal Li Ala Muhammad Din Wa Al'a Aali Muhammadin
O Allah, Exalt Muhammad & The Followers Of Muhammad.
Ka Maa Sal lay Ta Ala Ibraheema Wa Ala Aali Ibraheema
As Thou did exalt Ibrahim & His Followers
Inna Ka Hameedum Majeed
Thou Art The Praised, The Glourious.
Allah Hum Ma Baa Rik Ala Muhammadin
O Allah, Bless Muhammad
Wa Ala Aali Muhammadin
And His Followers
Ka Maa Ba Rak Ta Ala Ibraheema Wa Ala Aali Ibraheema
As Thou has Blest Ibrahim & His Followers
Inna Ka Hameedum Majeed
Thou Art The Praised, The Glorious
Then Silently Say:-
Allahumma Inni Zalamtu Nafsi Zulman Kathiran Wa La Yaghfirud Dhunuba Illa Anta Faghfirli Naghfiratan Min 'Indika Wa Arhamni Innaka Antal Ghafurur Rahim.
This means: "O Aallah, I have been very unjust to myself and none grants pardons against sins but You, therefore, forgive me with Your Forgiveness and have mercy on me. Surely You are the Forgiver, the Merciful.
( fig 8 )
(fig 9) 

Now turn your face to the right(as shown in fig 8) saying:-
Asslamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
Peace be on you & Allah's Blessing
Now turn your face to the left(as shown in fig 9) saying:-
Asslamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
Peace be on you & Allah's Blessing
it'd have been nice, if you had also included some authentic proofs from Sunnah with each step.
ReplyDeletehere is a complete and authentic descripion including all proofs from Sunnah